Its Saarang time !!

saarang 2006

IIT Madras has this yearly event, Saarang, that brings together the best of talents from colleges all over India. Even if you are a student or not, this one is a must-go, if you are in Chennai. From quizzers to fine arts performers to the geeks, there is something for everyone in this show.

This serving of Saarang‘s Pro Shows include Violin-fame Ganesh / Kumaresh‘s carnatic show, Shankar Mahadevan‘s Light Music Show and the custom rock show performed by Led-Zepplica & Parikrama. Personally I’ve been to both Ganesh / Kumaresh’s carnatic show and Shankar Mahadevan’s music show. Shankar Mahadevan, came over to IIT 3-4 years back and it was fun riot. Given Shankar’s zest for experimenting, I was in for a true music show. Of course, Dil Chahta Hai tracks proved to be the best in the show but it was for the folk number Uppu Karuvaadu, the whole stadium jumped in frenzy. Shankar has this amazing spirit that gets on to you, during his shows. One performer who makes his presence felt heavily.

Sulekha arranged a Sulekha Saarang Blog Fest in 2004. This year, they seem to have come out with three different categories in the Saarang Blogathon Contest. Of course there is this classical blogging contest but mobile blogging contest seem to exciting. This way, the spirit of Saarang could be caught on camera. There is also an official Saarang Blog out there.

4 responses to “Its Saarang time !!”

  1. Ravi Avatar

    Hi Lazy,
    I’ve copied the Saarang logo from here for a post of mine. Hope you don’t mind,kind sir?! Do drop in when you have time!


  2. Vinu Avatar

    Saarang rocks dude! went to mood indigo this year as I am right now in bombay. Only thing i like was the Jam session … Saarang is oru level mele!


  3. CognitiveDistortions Avatar

    Was hoping that this post wud point me to Sivaji Trailer 😉 !!


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