The road to Nirvana…

Guest Blog #21 – Anand C

It is frustrating when people you like do things you aren’t proud of. Case in point: the suicide note of Kurt Cobain, the lead singer of rock-legend Nirvana and singer/songwriter of Never Mind, one of the most influential rock albums ever produced. The last line of the rather depressing note is reproduced here:

“I’m too much of an erratic, moody baby! I don’t have the passion anymore, and so remember, it’s better to burn out than to fade away.”

Why did this come to mind all of a sudden? Because this response in a recent interview by Kamal Hasan is something I would have hoped Kurt realized, that would have provided more A-class music to thousands of fans (like me!) for a long time to come (He was 27 when he died!)

How do you analyse your performance objectively?
Very easy. If you keep criticising yourself, the zenith of it is suicide. You hate yourself so much that you are ready to kill it. Yes, I said ‘it’ and not him or me. So criticism is easy. Some people suffer from it because they don’t know when to stop criticising. It is like eating sweets. You must know when to stop.

Call it a selfish fan speaking… RIP, Kurt!

4 responses to “The road to Nirvana…”

  1. senthil Avatar

    have a look at this

    The police immediately concluded “suicide.” I wasn’t so sure. Neither was Rosemary Carroll, Courtney Love’s own entertainment attorney. Ms. Carroll was also a close friend to both Courtney and Kurt.

    Something was wrong here… terribly wrong.


  2. senthil Avatar

    have a look at this

    The police immediately concluded “suicide.” I wasn’t so sure. Neither was Rosemary Carroll, Courtney Love’s own entertainment attorney. Ms. Carroll was also a close friend to both Courtney and Kurt.

    Something was wrong here… terribly wrong.


  3. Anand C Avatar
    Anand C

    Senthil, like any hugely shocking and mysterious event, there is much speculation around Kurt Cobain’s death. Tons of web material analyzing his handwriting etc. trying to make out if he did write the note. He is also supposed to have been an optimist (!) and anything but suicidal all his life.


  4. Anand C Avatar
    Anand C

    Senthil, like any hugely shocking and mysterious event, there is much speculation around Kurt Cobain’s death. Tons of web material analyzing his handwriting etc. trying to make out if he did write the note. He is also supposed to have been an optimist (!) and anything but suicidal all his life.


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